Directions to The Lab
Address: 999 Wilder Dr, Georgia, VT, 05478
Sometimes this is listed at St. Albans as it is on the border of the two towns. Either town will bring you to the right road. Sometimes google maps will drop off the 999 and bring you only to the road. Once on the Wilder Dr, continue straight through the left turn the road it takes as that is our driveway. You will see our sign up on the right side of our driveway and possibly a VT Organics sign on the left side.
You are going to continue down this driveway for quite a ways. Stay on the main path and don't take any little side roads.
Continue driving down the driveway to the back building. The newest-looking building is ours. We hope to have a sign on the outside before day one. The doors nearest to where you entered will be the door to use. (note the building is so new, you don't see it on the map below. But it is the very back building, and there is room to park all around the building)
It’s a little obscure, but the building was too perfect for our training needs so we couldn't pass it up!